Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What won't I put in the cuttlebug?

I have put many things in my cuttle bug since finding that magical black plumbers rubber. This one is my new favorite so I wanted to share....its a bag from some fruit from Costco. It makes the nicest delicate pattern on the paper!

Hum, what should I try next.........


Snatertje said...

oo this looks great, I'm glad i bought the cuttlebug a couple of weeks ago, thanks for sharing this idea.

Hug Linda

Valarie (vampme3) said...

What a great idea!! Love it!

LiveLaughScrap said...

This is beautiful. What a great idea. Who would of thought? Well, you - duh. (LOL) Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

That is beautiful!!!!! Can't wait to try it!

LynneF said...

so cool

Nana Donna said...

What a cool idea. I was just surfing your blog/website and there are so so many wonderful things. Thans so much for sharing ans inspiring me.

Melissa S said...

This is just beautiful. I look at it and said Duh. why didn't I think of that, you are so great to think outside the box. Smart girl. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! that is so cool!! Did you have to put anything else in with this??? What other things have you put thru??? I never even thought nor knew that you could put everyday stuff thur!!!!! What a "spock" you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love your site!!!!!!!!
