I am not a big coupon clipper - I love coupons, love a discount, but it seems like I can never make it to the store with the right one and I just end up with a mess of unused coupons littering my kitchen counter. Then the pile of coupons I grab before heading out the door will likely be:
A: for the wrong store
B: for an item the store will be out of
or C: expired
On the rare occasion that the above criteria have not been meet, then there is a good chance I will forget that the coupons are in my pocket until the next time I do laundry and find all the pieces floating around my drier. SO, I decided that if I simply have a nice way to organize these coupons -by store rather than item-and they are in a cute carrying case - all problems will be solved (yes, well, I used this same logic to deduce that simply having a treadmill would make me skinny...hum...we'll see if my logic pans out this time).
I have lots of these provocraft tins - they were on sale a couple years ago at Joanns for $2.99 and I bought a huge stash that I'm STILL working on. I have been making them for gifts for people either filled with cards or other goodies, I made one filled with Christmas tags one year for a gift, and one for a little girl filled with hair fobbies. In the past I've either used a 1 inch circle punch to accommodate the closure and then fought with the handles or used paint. BUT, since my last one I've started using my DS and cricut, so why not make one that will form right to the shapes in the tin! Well, turns out the tins are not all exactly the same, but the template will get you pretty darn close. Feel free to use my template and make yourself a few tins! I have found that ModgePodge is the best way to stick the paper to the tin, and post-it notes fit nicely on the lid but you have to use super good adhesive (like that red sticky tape) to keep them there. Now if I can just find a smaller pen I'm all set!