Next is just a couple cards, same layout for both, the border on the friend card is from Paper Lace cut at 1.5 inch.
For the non-cricut: I made new cushions for my 100 year old chair, it went from dark and stuffy to bright and cheery!
Finally, I found some of these twig balls on clearance but I wanted something else in the bowl so I dug some Styrofoam balls out of the closet. I wrapped one with green yarn to match the table and covered the other two with flowers. I just love how the flowery ones came out. To make them I bough some stems at Micheals (on sale for $1) and cut off the flowers so that they only had about a half inch stem, then stuffed the stems right into the Styrofoam. A bit time consuming, but worth it. It took 3 stems per ball to make it really dense. Thanks for looking!
Hi, I wanted to thank you for commenting on my blog. I just became a follower on yours. I love everything that you do, I could look at your blog forever! I have already been here for 45 minutes,LOL I will be back, I can't wait to look at every lable! Thanks again, Karen
What wonderful projects! Love your boyish! The cupcake card is very how you switched it up with Paper Lace...makes such a pretty card! TFS!
~Sharon C.
I like the page composition with the stripes, scallops and backets, very tastefully done. Thanks for sharing your inspiration!
I love the scrapbook page. It's a nice, clean look and gives me another idea about what to do when I want a 4-square design, but the picture sizes don't match and can't be cropped to fit. I love your placement of the title and patterned paper to complete the square.
Thanks for sharing it!
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